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Four college students, returning from spring break, crash their car in an isolated New England countryside. Stranded in middle of nowhere, they seek help in Emeryville - an old, dilapidated western village, off the map. A seemingly well-mannered village caretaker extends an offer of a place to stay the night until a mechanic can arrive the following morning. With nightfall quickly approaching, the group isn't left with a choice. As time passes, the new comers discover that Emeryville was once a...

破墓 BD


噬血芭蕾 BD


赤裸羔羊(未删减) DVD


恶魔的光火 BD


魔鬼深夜秀 BD


月光光心慌慌:终结 BD


粽邪3:鬼门开 BD


得墨忒耳号的最后航 BD


鬼玩人崛起 BD


切尔诺贝利日记 BD


女囚灵 BD


电锯惊魂10 BD


釜山行(韩国) BD


孤儿怨:首杀 BD


死神来了3 BD


定格恶魔 BD


陪月 HD


千博士驱魔研究所 BD


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