
埃默里维尔实验 - 2016美国惊悚恐怖片

演员表:Rebecca Chulew Don Daro Tess

类型:恐怖片 年代:2016 地区:美国 更新:2016-08-25



Four college students, returning from spring break, crash their car in an isolated New England countryside. Stranded in middle of nowhere, they seek help in Emeryville - an old, dilapidated western village, off the map. A seemingly well-mannered village caretaker extends an offer of a place to stay the night until a mechanic can arrive the following morning. With nightfall quickly approaching, the group isn't left with a choice. As time passes, the new comers discover that Emeryville was once a ground for secret clinical experiments gone awry. It slowly becomes clear that the residents are far from normal and that their society abides by a set of rules. And one such rule is, "We keep the ones we need". Trapped in remote village miles from civilization & fearing for their lives, the group plots an escape. When the villagers realize that their escape could threaten Emeryville's very existence, the group finds themselves hunted by a strange breed of crazies

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